Multiple Team Branching

A description of the branching model for multiple team source. This model uses a derivative of GitFlow to provide each team their own develop branch.

This public content is an excerpt from Flutter staff GitHub docs. It is published as a reference to show how GitHub is used for inner source at Flutter.

The multiple team branching model is a derivative of GitFlow with one or more <team>/develop branches.

Recommended branching model patterns explained in under 7 minutes!

Alpha, beta or production-ready builds are signalled by git tags which conform to our semantic versioning conventions. For example:

  • v1.3.3 is the latest production release. The last team feature release was v1.3.0 since which there have been 3 hotfixes.
  • v1.4.0-opo.beta.2 is the next release driven by the opo team. Since the initial release build there have probably been 2 minor bugfixes.
  • v1.5.0-lds.alpha.3 is the alpha version in the lds/develop branch that is deployed to one of the Leeds team QA environments with 3 unreleased changes.


The key concept in this branching model is that each team with its own deployment has its own <team>/develop branch. The team follows its own development process around their <team>/develop branch, typically using short-lived feature branches like <team>/feature/xxx for each change.

  • Changes are triaged by each team’s local maintainer(s)). A minor change typically would not require cross-team review. A major change into a develop branch will require cross-team review to ensure all-team consensus.
  • Each team can tag and build their own alpha releases from their <team>/develop branch for their local QA environment(s). In this way they can treat their <team>/develop branch like an environment branch.
  • Each team will integrate all changes from every team via releases. But between releases each team can conceptually treat other teams develop branches similar to their own feature branches: a set of changes that need awareness and timely review but don’t yet directly impact.
  • If there are 2 teams/deployments in 2 different divisions the team labels might relate to the divisions e.g. ppb/develop and fd/develop for PPB and FanDuel teams. But the number of develop branches and the names used for teams depends on your context and do not need to relate to divisions.


Work from all the <team>/develop branches is integrated into a single production branch (main or master) through team major/minor releases. Only one major/minor release can be in progress at once, although patch releases (“hotfixes”) can continue in parallel. The release changes are synchronised back into all <team>/develop branches before the next release.

The diagram shows an example release:

  1. The Porto (opo) team starts a release by creating the opo/release/v1.4 branch from their current opo/develop branch. They tag this branch as v1.4.0-opo.beta.0 which triggers a deployable beta build for QA.
  2. Beta testing results in 2 minor bug fixes that are committed to the release branch (or merged from a reviewed PR). After each the release branch is tagged to create an updated beta build.
  3. The release branch opo/release/v1.4 is merged into the main production branch via a PR and tagged as v1.4.0 to denote the final production build.
  4. The Leeds team are aware of the Porto release and may be actively involved, but can also continue unaffected in their lds/develop branch. Because 1.4 is now an active beta release, they increment their next alpha tag version to indicate the changes are now targeted at the 1.5 release.
  5. Once the Porto team have completed the v1.4.0 release by merging the changes into main, the Leeds team synchronise their develop branch by merging the changes from main back into their own lds/develop branch.
  6. The Porto team also synchronise their develop branch by merging the changes from main back into their own opo/develop branch.


A hotfix is a change correcting a fault that needs to be released as quickly as possible (often under incident conditions). Hotfixes can be applied at any time as patch releases via a /hotfix/<name> branch which is merged directly into the production branch.

This diagram shows an example hotfix. A performance regression is detected on Friday by the Porto team in the latest v1.4.0 release which is expected to cause capacity problems on Saturday. They take the operational decision to fix forward:

  1. The /hotfix/sat-capacity hotfix branch is created.
  2. A mitigating fix is committed. This is tagged as v1.4.1-opo.beta.0 to allow beta testing and verification.
  3. The hotfix is merged (via reviewed PR) back into main and tagged as a patch release v1.4.1.
  4. Like a major/minor release, the Porto team will synchronise their opo/develop branch with main to integrate the hotfix.
  5. The Leeds team will also synchronise their lds/develop branch to integrate the hotfix. They may not do this immediately but must do this before starting their next release.

Hotfixes can be applied during a major/minor release. In such cases the relevant release branch must also be synchronised with main to ensure the hotfix is included during beta testing.


This SDLC expects each team to own and manage their own deployment(s). The deployment process itself will vary by team based on their tools, infrastructure and desired topology. This SDLC simply promotes the use of semver tags to signal that a build should be created and made available for all teams for deployment if desired.

Not all teams will have the same version deployed. Older versions should not be the target of new features, but must be supported until a team has migrated to the latest release. To support older versions hotfixes can be applied to any previous version on a /support/<version> branch.

This diagram shows an example support hotfix. The Leeds team realises that the performance regression detected by the Porto team is also present in their currently deployed v1.2.2 service. As a precaution they decide to also apply the fix but are not yet ready to upgrade to the latest v1.4.1 version that includes it. So they apply a support hotfix:

  1. A support/v1.2 branch is created from the latest v1.2.x release tag (v1.2.2). This is the long-running support branch and will be used for all further v1.2.x releases.
  2. The /hotfix/sat-capacity-backport hotfix branch is created, and the mitigating commit is applied. This is tagged as v1.2.3-lds.beta.0 to allow beta testing and verification.
  3. The hotfix is merged (via reviewed PR) back into support/v1.2 and tagged as a patch release v1.2.3 which the Leeds team can now deploy to update their older version with an isolated fix.
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