Get Started

A brief summary of the essentials for using the Flutter-Global GitHub org.

This public content is an excerpt from Flutter staff GitHub docs. It is published as a reference to show how GitHub is used for inner source at Flutter.


Find Repository or People

  • Use the site search in the top bar with the repository or person name.
  • Browse via the service catalogue or Flutter-Global GitHub UI.
  • Use direct URLs:
  • The “community” section in the repository catalogue page lists maintainers and contributors with contact details if available.

Using a Repository

  • When you join you get access to all repoistories with inner source access.
  • If GitHub repo URL gives you a 404, it’s closed source and you need to request access from maintainers.
  • Repository or files should get you started.
  • The repository capability (if exists) may also have some docs to help.
  • If you are unfamiliar with GitHub, the courses on GitHub Skills help.
  • GitHub is so widely used if you get stuck a web search usually provides the answer.
  • If still stuck ask listed maintainers or use general support.

Manage a Repository

Good luck! If in doubt, please ask.